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Data Management Policy

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Data Management Policy


Thummerer Kft. (hereinafter referred to as “the Service Provider”), manages the information on visitors to the Website and the persons who place the order (collectively, the Affiliate) on the Website at www.thummerer.hu (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”).

In connection with the handling of the data, the Service Provider hereby informs the Users about the personal data they treat on the Site, their principles and practices in the management of personal data, and the ways and means of exercising the rights of those concerned.

By using the Website the Affiliate agrees to the terms and conditions of the Data management policy and to agree to the data handling specified below.


Objective of Data Management


The Service Provider stores and manages the data provided by the Affiliate for the purposes of order fulfillment, invoicing, home delivery of products, handling complaints, liaising, subsequent proof of the terms and conditions of the contract, and sending a newsletter, if the Affiliate is subscribed.

The data to be automatically recorded is intended for statistical preparation and the technical development of the IT system. The Service Provider shall not use or use the personal data provided for purposes other than those specified above.

Issuance of personal data to a third party or authorities may, unless otherwise provided by law, be subject to the express prior consent of the Person.

In all cases where the Service Provider intends to use the provided data for purposes other than the purpose of the original data collection, he or she shall inform the Affiliated Person by means of which he or she shall obtain a prior express consent or provide him with an opportunity to prohibit the use.


Database Legislation


The processing of data will be based on the use of the Website, based on the appropriate statement of information, which includes the express consent of the Affiliated Person to be used during the use of the personal data when using the Website.

For data management by the Service Provider, pursuant to Section CXII of 2011 on Information Self-determination and Freedom of Information, (1) (a) of the Act on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “Info.tv”) on the basis of the Voluntary Contribution of the Affilated Person as well as the 2001 CVIII Law on Electronic Commerce Services and certain Information Society Services. law.

For data management by the Service Provider, pursuant to Section CXII of 2011 on Information Self-determination and Freedom of Information, (Paragraph 1) (Line a) of the Act (hereinafter: Info.tv), on the basis of the Voluntary Contribution of the Affilated Person as well as of the 2001 CVIII Law on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services.

The Service Provider does not monitor the obtained personal information for its solidity. Only the Affiliate is responsible for the given personal information and its validity. When you contact any of your Affiliated Email addresses, you are responsible for solely using the provided e-mail address. Regarding to this responsibility, any liability associated with any entry or any orders related to an e-mail address shall be borne exclusively by the Person who has registered the e-mail address.


Service Provider as a Database Manager


Company name: Thummerer Kft.
Headquarters: H-3325 Noszvaj, Szomolyai út 2101/3 hrsz.
Phone number: +36 36 463 269
E-mail: thummerer@thummerer.hu
Tax number: 29189588-2-10
Company Registration Number (Shoulder No.): 10-09-038687
Bank account number: 10403507-50526985-56771008
IBAN: HU04 1040 3507 5052 6985 5677 1008
Accounting Bank: K & H Bank Zrt. 350 Eger

The data usuage of the required personal information will occour only from registration or placing an order till its execution of the deletion of the registration. The personal data the Affiliated provides can be deleted at any time after the cancellation request has been sent.

Upon receipt of the request, the personal data will be deleted from the system within 5 working days by the Service Provider.


Duration of Data Management


Logged data will be stored for up to 12 months from the date of the first login, except for the last visit date, which is automatically overwritten.

The above provisions do not affect the fulfillment of the retention obligations laid down in the law
(eg accounting law) and the processing of data based on registrations made on the Website


Data posession


Data provided during registration or data that is provided on an order without registration.

During registration, the Affiliate must enter an email address and a password on the registration interface.

The system automatically logs in the user where they can enter their delivery address and their billing address.

If The affiliated does not register, they do not need to enter a password but they must complete a registration form in which they must provide the following information to complete the order by the Service Provider:

The Affiliated must provide the following personal information when taking an order or making a registration

Country, first name, last name, company name, adress ( streed adress, house number, floor, door, door bell) city, county, postal code, phone number, e-mail adress.


Technical Data


Information on the Affiliated Login computer that is generated during the use of the Service and which is recorded by the Service Provider as an automatic result of the technical processes. These are in particular the date and time of the visit, the IP address of the computer used to login, the type of their browser, the addresses of the visited and previously visited parts of the website.

The data will be automatically recorded and logged on entry or exit, without the specific statement or action of the Person. These data can not be linked to other personal user information, except in cases that are legally binding. Only the Service Provider can access the data.

The Website’s html code may contain references to external servers that are independent of the Provider and point to an external server. The providers of these references can collect user data because of their direct connection to their server.




The Service Provider or the designated external service providers will use a small data packet on the Affiliateds computer to provide customized service, Cookies are placed and read back. If their browser returns a previously saved cookie, the cookie operator can associate the data saved with current visits to the past, but only for the Affiliateds own content.

The Service Provider uses the following cookie:

Session Cookie: session cookies will be automatically deleted after the affiliated user exits. These cookies are designed to make the Service Provider’s website more efficient and secure, so it is essential that some features of the Website or some applications work properly

Persistent cookie: Presistent cookie is also used by the Service Provider for a better user experience (eg, providing optimized navigation). These cookies are stored for longer in the browser cookie file. The duration depends on the setting applied by the users web browser.

A cookie used for password-protected sessions:

Shopping basket cookie.
Security cookie.

The “Help” feature in most of the browser’s menubar provides the Affiliated with information about how to disable cookies, and how to accept new cookies, create new cookies or switch off some of the cookies.

External servers help the Affiliated independently measure and audit Site and other webanalytic data on the Website (Google Analytics). Data controllers can provide detailed information about the handling of measurement data to the affected party.

Contact: www.google.com/analytics/

If the Affiliated does not want Google Analytics to measure the above data for the purpose and purpose described, they will have to install the blocking plugin in their browser.




If the Affiliated subscribse to a newsletter, they must provide a relevant email address or full name to the Service Provider.

The newsletter contains direct marketing elements and promotional items. The Service Provider handles the information provided by the Person during the use of the newsletter.

In the case of a newsletter, the Service Provider will treat the information the Affiliated provided during the subscription to the Relevant Newsletter until the Affiliated have unsubscribed to the newsletter by clicking the “Unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the newsletter or they are requesting it to be removed from the subscribers list by email or by post. In case of unsubscribe, the Service Provider will not send a newsletter to the Affiliate after receiving the request (by email, by post or by clicking “Unsubscribe”)


People with knowledge of data, data transmission, data process.


Only the Service Provider and the internal staff can access the given personal data and they are not disclosed to any third parties.

The Service Provider can use a data processor (eg system operator, carrier company, accountant) to execute orders and to settle settlements.


Data Processor


Name: GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Package Logistics Ltd.
Head office: 2351 Alsónémedi, GLS Europe street 2.
Email: info@gls-hungary.com
Activity: courier service

Name: TNT Express Hungary Kft.
Head office: 1185 Budapest II. Logistics Center – Office Building, BUD International Airport 283. ép.
Activity: courier service

Name: Borgun hf. Head office: Áramúli 30, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland
E-mail: info@b-payment.hu
Activity: Financial service provider

Name: PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.
Head office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg.
Activity: Financial service provider

In addition to the foregoing, the personal data relating to the Person may be transmitted only in a legally binding and / or agreed matter.


Rights of the Affiliated, Judgmental possibilities


The Affiliated may at any time have the right to request information about the personal data that has been handled by the Service Provider and, at any time, with the exception of the e-mail address provided during registration, may change them on the Site in their account settings page at any time.

The Service Provider shall provide information on the data it manages, the purpose, the legal basis, the duration of the data management, and who or for whom and for what purpose they have received data. The Service Provider shall provide the requested information in writing within 30 days of the submission of the application.

The Affiliated may contact any of the Service Provider’s staff through any of the contact details listed below for any concerns or comments about data handling.


Data deletion, change, lock


The Affiliated may at any time have the right to correct or erase incorrectly recorded data in the contact details listed below. The Service Provider will cancel the data within 5 working days of receiving the request, in which case they will not be able to be recovered. The deletion does not apply to data processing required by law (eg accounting rules), which the Service Provider maintains for the required period of time.

The Service Provider locks out personal data when requested by Affiliated or if, based on the information available to it, it is assumed that the deletion would violate the legitimate interests of the Affiliated. Personal data that is blocked can only be handled only till there is a data management target that excludes the deletion of personal data. The Affiliated, Service Provider must be notified of the correction, blocking and deletion, and all who have previously been provided with the personal data. Notification may be omitted if it does not prejudice the legitimate interest of the Affiliated concerned in view of the purpose of the processing.

If the data processor fails to comply with the correction, locking or deletion request concerned, he or she shall notify the factual and legal grounds for rejecting the request for rectification, blocking or cancellation within 30 days of the receipt of the request.


The Affiliated can object against the usuage of his or her pesonal information


The Affiliated may object to handling their personal information. The Service Provider shall examine the objection within the shortest possible time but not later than 15 days from the submission of the request, and shall make a decision on its validity and shall inform the applicant in writing.

Based on Info.tv and the Civil Code (Act V of 2013)
National Authority for Data Protection and Information (1125 Budapest, Erzsébet Szilágyi fasor 22 / c. Www.naih.hu) may or may not. The Affiliated can enforce their rights before the court.

If the Affiliated have provided third party information on registration or during the order, or if they have caused any damage to the Website during use, the Service Provider is entitled to claim damages against the Affiliate.

In such a case, the Service Provider shall provide all available assistance to the determining authorities for the purpose of establishing the identity of the infringing person.


E-mail address usage


The Service Provider shall pay particular attention to the legality of the use of the electronic mail addresses it manages, so use the information (information or advertisement) to send the e-mail as specified below.

E-mail addresses are primarily used to identify the Customer, to execute orders, to access the services, so sending e-mail is primarily done.




The Service Provider undertakes to ensure the security of the data and also to take technical measures to ensure that the data that are recorded, stored or managed is protected and that it does everything in its power to prevent their destruction, unauthorized use and unauthorized alteration. The Affiliated also agrees that any third party to which the data may be transmitted or handed over also calls for compliance with this obligation.


Other Provisions


The Service Provider has the Right to modify this Data Management Informative after notifying the Affiliated. Upon the Modification the Affiliated using the Website will accept the modified Privacy Statement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Consumption of alcohol is prohibited under the age of 18 in Hungary.